
Health Benefits of Gratitude

My family faced a lot of upheaval in 2014. We moved into a small rental for 8 months while we renovated our old home and at the same time I received health news that resulted in three surgeries in 6 months. The last one was one year ago this week. The good news is that […]

Want a Beach-Ready Body? Get Some Sleep!

After our recent family vacation, I’ve been thinking about the importance of sleep. More specifically, I’m considering the implications of lack of sleep. One morning, midway through our trip, I was so tired that I walked into an open glass shower door, leaving me with a nasty bump and an ugly bruise! After a little […]

Are You Moving Mindfully?

As the spring weather slowly appears, are you making time for yourself to smell the (real and proverbial) flowers? Its so easy to let the day fly by rather than taking the time to be in the moment.. to see the new flower that has appeared or to smell the clean spring air.  I ask […]

Food is always a good place to start!

When I started my Pilates journey, I was looking for a physical challenge, learning a new method of exercise; I didn’t expect it would lead to a lifelong commitment to healthy living.  To start with a chat about food is an an easy way for me to begin what I hope to be a blog about […]