Three posture exercises

Good posture isn’t just about aesthetics – it can have a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being. Here are three quick Pilates- based exercises you can do to work on yours. Here’s a video of all three here, too!

Squat Muscle Magic

Squats are great exercises to work your lower body muscles. We are working on strengthening those muscles in our magic crcle class today!

Three posture exercises

Good posture isn’t just about aesthetics – it can have a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being. Here are three quick Pilates- based exercises you can do to work on yours. Here’s a video of all three here, too!

Squat Muscle Magic

Squats are great exercises to work your lower body muscles. We are working on strengthening those muscles in our magic crcle class today!


We have achieved our GOAL in several of our exercises, but continue to learn new variations and build on others. We introduce Side Kick circles today and the Neck Pull. We discuss the importance of the Pilates Principle of Control!


Adding on from Class #4 in the series! We add the 4th abdominal exercise, Double Leg Straight Stretch, and try more challenging variations of the other exercises we have done so we can reach our goal exercises.

Stable Spine .mp4

This is a great option for anyone who wants to avoid forward bending for medical or other reasons. We will keep the spine long for the entire mat, but don’t confuse that with easy. its a great challenging workout that will work your upper back and abs!

Back to Basics Mat (Foundational-Int)

It all starts with a stable pelvis! so let’s get Back to the Basics. We’ll add some challenges to that Pelvis with some fun variations on a theme, too! You’ll be thankful the class is (mostly) beginner!

Magic Circle Mat

Join a steady paced Intermediate level magic circle mat class with the right balance of stretch, strength and control. Ends with standing magic circle exercises. Do only what works for you and your body please!

Arm Weights Foundational 1

Foundational arm weights but they’re not that easy!! Work your entire body with these little 2 lb weights! You’ll ask for more, I’m sure,!

Advanced Classical Mat

Buckle your seatbelt! We do many of Joe’s advanced mat exercises here. If you’re looking for a challenging workout, this is it. PLEASE, as always, only do what works for you physically. If you need to use a different variation for an exercise, please do so or leave it out.