Mat on the Wall (Int)

Join us as we use the wall for stability, alignment and feedback during this challenging intermediate class! Practice and you’ll get strong enough for someone to stand on you, too!

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Join us as we do a Reformer and Mat progression on the Mat using Sliders (or paper plates or a towel). The exercises are beginner mostly, but trust me, they won’t feel like beginner during this challenging workout!

Magic Circle Mania (Intermediate)

Join me in this medium paced Magic Circle mat class. We’ll start standing and will move smoothly from one exercise to the next. The Magic Circle helps build strength and pull you towards your center. Enjoy!!

Focus on Form

Focus on Form (Foundational) This class focuses on form above all. We’ll cover the foundational exercises in a slow and deliberate manner! Its a great one to do multiple times a week because its quick and to the point! Enjoy!

PrePilates (Very Foundational)

Sometimes your back just doesn’t feel great. Here is a short video of pre pilates exercises (the exercises you do BEFORE you do pilates). These are a great place to start learning Pilates AND to revisit when your body just isn’t feeling its best, especially if your lower back is achy. Give these a try!

Worth the Weight (Advanced)

Join us for a challenging workout that’s worth every drop of sweat, IMO, of course! Weight training/ resistance exercises has been found to be a terrific form of exercise that helps all aspects of sleep. In a recent study, it’s been found to be superior to cardio exercise alone OR and combination of cardio and resistance training. So grab your mat for body weight AND light weight training with me!

Stable Pelvis Mat (Foundational)

Here’ a great easy paced class that focuses on the stable pelvis. We do some foundational exercises and keep that pelvis in position whether we are on our back, side, front, seated and standing. Enjoy!

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Mobility v. Flexibility. Which is more important? I’d argue that being able to actively move your muscles in a good range of motion is more important than how passively (with help) you can move those muscles. This mat class integrates even more mobility exercises into our Intermediate classical progression. Enjoy!

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This wall workout starts lying on the floor and ends standing on the wall and all positions provide good feedback on alignment. I love the wall because its like your teacher without having to say a word!! Enjoy!

Transitions Transitions (Int)

Transitions are exercise themselves! This video focuses on the transitions between each individual exercise in the Pilates mat progression, so that once you start your workout you don’t stop until the very end!

Twisted Towel (Int/Adv)

Taking the towel to the next step! We add some more advanced exercises here and use the towel to engage our backs and enhance our twists and side bends.